2008年5月2日 星期五

RJ3 D組 楊雅婷

Life at the Borrow was as different as possible life in Privet Drive.The Dursleys liked everything neat and ordered:the Weasleys' house burst with the strang and unexpected.Harry had never felt free before.
After getting the letters from school,they decided to go to Diagon Alley (斜角巷) with Floo powder (呼嚕粉)to buy the books needed at the next term.However,Harry had never traveled by Floo powder so he was lose at Knockturn Alley(夜行巷).When he lossing at the alley,he saw the Malfoy was selling something illegal.Then he met Hagrid who took him to return Diagon Alley to find the Weasley.
After meeting with Hermione,they headed for Flourish and Blotts (美麗與污痕書店) .As they approached it,they saw to their suprise a large crowd jostling outside the door,trying to get in.The reason for it was the arrival of Gilderoy Lockhart,who was the new Defence Against the Dark Arts(黑魔法防禦學)teacher in Hogwarts.Then the Malfoy also got into the store and had a fight with Mr. Weasley.Stopped by Hagrid ,Mr. Malfoy left angrily and the Weasley went back to the Borrow,too.
