2008年5月21日 星期三

My Reading Journal 6 H組,Pythia

During the two weeks, I have read a book "Under the Greenwood Tree"or" The Mellstock Quire A Rural Painting of the Dutch School". The writer was Thomas Hardy born in 1840 and died in 1928.The book was published anonymously in 1872.Hardy was one of the most famous writers in England and was good at writing about love and the problems between men and women. Besides, the book level was elementary (600words).The reason I chose it was that I was enchanted with the beautiful cover.
The leading man was Dick Dewy, who lived in the village of Upper Mellstock and he sang in the choir with his father and grandfather. On the other hand, the leading woman was Fancy Day, who came to work in the village and was sweet and beautiful .Soon after, Dick fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. However, Fancy's beauty also fascinated other men , who tried to get the choir to make up to Fancy.Dick face lots of difficulties and finally made his dream come true!
After reading, I looked up to Dick's tireless spirit to pursue love. In the same time ,I really appreciated the author's description about meticulous love story. Perhaps, next time, I would choose the same author's book one more time.

1 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

This probably is a "retold" story. Who did the retelling? Any illustrations? If yes, who did them? When was the book published? Do give these information before you begin to write more.