2008年5月8日 星期四

My Reading Journal 5 Group F 朱慶元

After Oliver was caught to the stronghold of thieves for several weeks , not knowing where Oliver is , making Mr. Brownlow feels so sad that lead him to put a notice which inform someone will get reward if the information about Oliver was given , this could be a chance to free Oliver from the hell . Unfortunately , "The Savior" doesn't appear , instead , "The Demon" comes , whose name is Mr. Bumble , his "honest description" about who Oliver is , what background he has , and , most important , what he has done before , shatter Mr. Brownlow's confidence toward Oliver . More worse , a man named Monks who was recently known by the old thief Fagin , says that he will pay a lot if someone who can train a child to be a thief or criminal and lead he to be banished from the country , what a horrible thinking. Not to mention again , the best choice is the major role of this book , Oliver , once again , he was sent to help thieving , and was taken to where the Bill Sikes is by Nancy , Nancy seems to be the only one who is friendly to Oliver , but this time , she won't do anything because life threat by others , the situation of Oliver is more and more harder , could he escapes from this disaster , we'll see .
