2008年5月7日 星期三

My Reading Journal 5 Group K 齊伶菊

I still read the book "Charlotte's Web" this two week.

Chapter11 Charlotte, a grey spider, played a trick on people. She wove "Some Pig" on her

web. The action surprised everyone including Lurvy, Mr. Zuckerman and his wife. They couldn't believe what they saw. They thought Wilbur was an unusual pig. Soon, the event spread out. A lot of people came to see the web, so they had no time doing things in the farm but feeding Wilbur. Fern was happy that Wilbur's life was saved. Charlotte got every animals togethere except Templeton, a rat. She asked if anyone had a good idea to write the new words on the web. By doing so, she could get people pay attention to it again. In the end, they decided to weave "Terrific" on the web.

Chapter12 Charlotte started to weave the new words on her web. Certainly, it made everyone surprised again, and they thought the pig is really special. Since then, they had taken care of him very much. Templeton also helped Charlotte save Wilbur's life. The job he should do is to find old magazines that Charlotte could spell some words from. At last, they found words from the ads, it said "With New Radiant Action." They didn't understand what

it really meant, so Charlotte called Wilbur to act some movement. After doing that, they got

tierd, so they went to sleep.

Chapter13 Fern was happy to talk about things happened in the farm to her mother, Mrs. Arable. Her mother started to worry about Fern, becaused she said she could hear animals talk. Mrs. Arable wanted fern to play with other children outdoors instead og spending her time in the barn. Mrs. Arable was still worried about Fern so she made up her mind asking Dr.Dorian for help. After Mrs. Arable talked, Dr. Dorian thought it was normal for kids. He adviced Mrs. Arable that she should let Fern do things she liked. Finally, Mrs. Arable felt greatly relieved.

All above were that I read this two week.
