2008年5月22日 星期四

Reading journal 6 C組 溫宏鈞

Tibet issue,Olympic games,and the boycott to China.
The other days, Tibet issue was frequently disscussed by all the world.Most of people considered that th China government shouldn't apply force to calm down the rebellion.They had to have a negotiations between each others.Because of the event,the olympic fire was obstructed by many peopel who oppose the savage acts done by China government.Some country even want to boycott the Olympic games hosted by China.This act reveals the reason why other countrys want to boycott China's goods even all the things about China.
They want to express their thought to China's force acts to Tibet's people.They think that people have the right of freedom.The Tibet's ntive can administer their own government.Tibet have different culture with China.Tibet can be a independent country.So , many people express their resentment by prohibitting fire's transmittance.This is also the reason why people boycott China's goods.
