2008年5月9日 星期五

RJ5 李彥蓉 Group A

Recently,I read a story which calld "Springtime 'a la Carte".But after I finished it,I found the story was a little borning.But I learned some new vocabularies at least,so I still had some harvests.Connecting down, I still introduced the story content.

Sarah was a typist about menu in Schulenberg's Home Restaurant.On the previous summer Sarah had gone into another country and loved a farmer's son who named Walter.When they fall in love,Walter always gave many surprises to Sarah. The impression which was deep for Sarah was once Walter used dandelions made a beautiful hat to Sarah.But afterwards Sarah came back the restaurant in the original country.So they lost contact for some days.Sarah very missed Walter.A day she typed the new menu.In the new menu,there were many dishes about dandelions which made Sarah thought to Walter.Original,all of everythings were designed by Walter.Finaly,they married smoothly.

For me,I had no special feelings to the story.On next time,I would choose an interest story.However,I hope I can really absorb these new wards.

蚊子吵得整晚睡不著,一直叮我,誰能救救我?- 馬上找知識
