2008年5月7日 星期三

My Reading Journal 5 D組 蔡�伎C

The book I read was named Alice In Wonderland which was contained 36 pages.This book was written by Charles Dodgson and retold by Mary Tomalin.It was published by PENGUIN READERS and the level was about 600 words.In the beginnig,Dodgen thought it was not an important book,so he publish the book under the name--Lewis Carroll.However, the book had become one of the most famous book in the world.
The summary of the book was that one summer day Alice was sitting under the tree.When she was sleepy, she saw a rabbit with a watch and ranafter it.Then they all went to a rabbit-hole.Down the rabbit-hole everything was different,so Alice began her adventure which was filled with excitement.In her adventure, she met a lot of strange thing and people such as a rabbit which hurried,a queen who wantd to cut off everybody's head,a cat which could be invisible,a special tea party and so on.However, all of above was just Alice's dream.
After reading the book,I also wanted to made a dream which was like Alice's.Alice's dream was so funny that everyone had interest in.Many people was accompanied by the book when they was in childhood.
