2008年5月20日 星期二

My reading journal 6 E組 林盈潔

Then Jane Eyre is send to Lowood Institution, which accepts girls who don't have parents. At Lowood, the food is simple, and the teachers are crude. Jane makes a good friend, Helen Burns. Jane admires and loves the gentle Helen and they become best friends. However, Helen dies for the typhus epidemic.

After eight years, Jane She advertises for a governess and is hired by Mrs. Alice Fairfax, the housekeeper of the Gothic manor of Thornfield. She starts to teach a little French girl named Adele Varens. Jane's employer, Mr. Edward Rochester, is a moody, charismatic gentleman, and Adele is his illegitimate daughter. Adele gets along with Jane very well. Jane likes Mr. Rochester gradually.

I find Jane always faces the difficulty firmly. In the difficulty, she may be sad, but she encourages herself, and handles problem bravely. After she grows up, and accumulates enough knowledge, she plans her future actively. I think I have to follow the spirit, and pursue the goal of my life, instead of recoiling.
