2008年5月21日 星期三

My reading journal 6 C組林昱齊

Is ant different between justice and revenge? Bruce's father and mother were killed by a beggar. Should he forgive him? Could he kill that person by himself if the judge set him free?

The character 3 is talked about the transition of Bruce. The murderer, Chill, was captured before long he committed the murder. Many years later, Chill served a sentence and would grant bail. That news was the last thing Bruce want to learn. He extremely hoped that the Chill was sentenced capital punishment. However, The judge set him free.

In my opinion, the law in Gotham is corruptible. A murderer such as chill should be executed absolutely. However, it is inevitable to have crime in Gotham, because the poor accounted for large percentage of citizen. Only a few people are rich. It is difficult to make decision who to blame. If all of people were affluent , who wants to kill person for money?

1 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

People will kill for money, regardless of their wealth. People in rich communities don't kill for money? People in poor communities are more likely kill for money? Think again!