2008年5月7日 星期三

My Reading Journal 5 Group I 秦子晴

These weeks, I finished a book,called''My Fair Lady''. I chosed this book because I have read the book about the famous actress-Audrey Hepburn. Audrey Hepburn was the heroine of the film which was adapted by this book.
This story is talking about Eliza Doolittle- a young London woman with a very strong London accent. She meet a linguistician,called Henry Higgins,in a party. Eliza wanted Henry could teach her to speak English without terrible accent. Then Henry had a bet with his friend about whether Eliza could be a wonderful woman in the beau monde or not.
Eliza lived with Henry and learned address of the beau monde. Day by day, Eliza succeeded in becoming a wonderful woman . No one knew her endeavour,and owe to Henry all the successes.Eliza was angry and left Henry . At this time, Henry found he fell love with Eliza and was sad about her leaving. Finally , Eliza refused the proposal of a young man in beau monde and came back to Henry.
The story about growing love between two different people might give you some joyful time when you read this book.
