2008年5月8日 星期四

RJ5 D組 劉佩芬

In the building , there's a new equipment ─ a security camera. It can track what everyone's doing.Andrea don't like this new equipment , she thought that she is always monitored even having a lunch.
One day , Andrea had a little dispute on different views. That noon , Emily didn't have lunch with her , she went out with other colleagues and left Andrea alone in the office. Andrea thought she just went downstairs and had lunch in the restaurant for a while. Two hours passed, Andrea still didn't see Emily come back with her lunch. There's no body in the secretary office, Andrea has to stand by all time to catch Miranda's call.
But it's already four o'clock!!! Andrea was so hungry, she put down the job she was doing and rushed downstairs to have a meal . When she was choosing foods happily, Emily came back! She was so angry and asked Andrea why ske didn't stay in the office. Andrea didn't know that Emily would go out for lunch some time.Both of them were so scared to hear Miranda's message. After playing the voice mail box ,there's no Miranda's message.But..there's a Miranda's nanny's message , she said that Miranda wanted her to inform them because she can't find her both assistants! Did Miranda get angry? No! Her nanny said that she had given the things Miranda wanted. "Don't worry, I just solve the problem. Have a good weekend!" The woman is a savior for them!
