2008年5月21日 星期三

RJ6 D組 劉佩芬

This weekend, Andrea went home. Her sister,Kyle, also came back to see their parents with her husband.Andrea has't seen her sister for a very long time. This is a rare opportunity for them to gather together. Her sister brought good news that they are going to have a baby. Andrea told everything she met in the big city including her amazing job. She told her family that she loved her job very much and is accustomed well. But her sister seems know what Andrea was thinking. She didn't want to anyone to worry about her. Being Miranda's assistant is not the job she really want. Andrea just wants to go through this job to get a promise or to get a better opportunity to be the editor of The New Yorker. She told the real feeling to her dear sister privately. Kyle support her thought.

Read here, I stopped. Andrea is so brave that she decide what she want to do in the future. To get her dream , she chose a job she didn't love it very much. I was thinking about myself. I also have a dream,too. But the distance to get it is still very far. And I am afraid.The major subject I study now is not my favorite.I didn't know what the next step I should follow. It confuced me for a long time. Now I see Andrea , she gave me some courage.We don't know what will happen in the future, but do the best of myself now must can help myself in the future!
