2008年5月9日 星期五

My Reading Journal 5 Group I 陳怡婷

I finished the latter half of "Charlotte's Web" these weeks. Under Charlotte's efforts, Wilbur not only lives, but also goes to the county fair with Charlotte. He wins the prize in the end. After the county fair, Charlotte lays eggs which are bigger than her body and then she dies. Wilbur brings it back to Zuckerman's farm. When spring comes, a lot of little spiders crawl out from the eggs. Most of them leave but three of them still remain to be friends with Wilbur.

If the little pig didn't met Charlotte, he would be very miserable. Besides, if Fern didn't help Wilbur, he would be a watering cuisine. Charlotte helps Wilbur to escape the death and Wilbur helps Charlotte to care for her children. The selfless help can change our life. We often argue with our friends. However, a pig and a spider can have such a deep relationship and why we can't. After finishing the book, I understand that friendship isn't relevant to the race or all the external form. I'll try hard to help my friends when they're in a trouble just like what Charlotte did. I'll try to open my heart to all kinds of friends just like what Wilbur did.

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