2008年3月11日 星期二

Chat Record on March 5, 2008

8:40 PM yydiscogo: good evening sir
  this is Ian

5 minutes
8:46 PM me: Ian, what's your full name? Which class do you take from me?
8:47 PM yydiscogo: Be present 洪泰齡
  ring the bell?
 me: Ok. I'm glad that you are in touch. You can ring the bell and we can talk.
8:48 PM yydiscogo: I can hear you
 me: Do you have a mic? If no, we then are stuck with typing.
8:49 PM yydiscogo: I do .but it some how out of function
  how unfortune
 me: So, what can i do for you?
8:50 PM yydiscogo: well ......
8:51 PM just say hello
8:52 PM me: Oh, HELLO! I am working away in preparation for classes. Whatever you are doing I hope you enjoy the work. Oh, did you read NYTimes at all this week? run into anything interesting?
8:55 PM yydiscogo: well actually I was just reviewing the video teacher show us last week
 me: How do you find it? Interesting, yeh?
8:56 PM yydiscogo: not bad
8:57 PM wait minute sir
8:58 PM well i mean i need to leave for a while
9:01 PM me: OK. See you later. alligator.

14 minutes
9:16 PM yydiscogo: alligator?
9:17 PM me: I am not sure if I typed it correctely. That amphibian, vicicous creature. We often put it after "see you later" just for the rhyming fun.
9:19 PM yydiscogo: oh that"s new
9:21 PM sir i am wondering if there is a transcript for the cuttle fish video
9:24 PM me: No, there is no compelte transcript. But there is a corresponding article --by the same reporter. And the article is in print, with Chinese translation, in 聯合報,Monday. they may provide sufficient information for you to understand the audico/visual version of the cuttlefish story.
9:26 PM yydiscogo: you mean this monday?
 me: yes, just two days ago.
9:27 PM yydiscogo: hm i see
9:28 PM me: And, if you read the article and try to listen/watch it a few times, I am sure you will get a good understanding of the report. It's quite interesting. You will like it.
9:29 PM yydiscogo: you are really an educator
9:31 PM it"s not common to see age like you to have such passion
9:34 PM thank you sir
 me: Oh, yes, we are "aged", but we are still excited about learning about new things and want you all to be able to explore and enjoy the many good things in life.
9:39 PM yydiscogo: are you always so studios since you are a student
9:43 PM me: Well, I take my life seriously. I remember trying hard to understand life and to do well (and thereby equip myself for future work), though not very efficiently or effectively. But since I tried my honest best, there is no regret.
9:45 PM Ian, I must run. See you later.
9:46 PM yydiscogo: yes nice talking to you
9:47 PM see you next time
