I finished reading "Arctic Tale" these days. There are two parts in this book. First, the book presents the polar bears and the walrus lives. After last time I read, I learned some new about the animals in Arctic. I found that when the baby polar bears grow up to two years old, their mother will let them leave from her and live by themselves. The young polar bear will start the solitarily life. On the other hand, walruses inhabit on the ice shore all together. They move and hunt as herds. Until the young walrus is ready to mate, all-female walrus will help her to choose the best male walrus from the male walrus herd. Then the couple will leave the herd they live with before, and start to find other companions.
The second part of the book describe that the environment changes in Arctic. Temperatures get higher than before. It has risen three to five degrees. Consequently, the ice become expand more slowly and contract more quickly.
In the past, the walrus herd will migrate from north to south. But now, the migratory distance has been less. The ice sheet is also melting earlier and faster these years. The seals are harder to find to the polar bears, and the hunting has been difficult.
If the environment gets worse and worse, the animals in Arctic will live harder and harder. I think everyone must protect the earth. We should not let the any species disappear just because people luxurious lives. Cherishing the global is our responsibility.