2008年6月5日 星期四

My Reading Journal 7 Group F 朱慶元

This is the final work , Oliver has enjoyed his best time ever than before , he stays with family member he once tried to thieving in the country , he becomes stronger and more wise , he has being taught reading and writing , everything seems fine , but things always go wrong , Oliver is being found accidentally , those thieves will never leave him , they can do anything to "convince" him back to their side , and perhaps if he were being caught again , he may try to escape again , being caught and then escape , like circle walking , you don't know where the start and end are , it's endless , so this time I rather focus an incident , between Harry and Rose . Harry proposes to Rose , but Rose doesn't think she deserves his love because her background , if she accepted his proposal , she may ruin his future . Why I noticed this because why the marriage must establish based to each other's profits rather than just love ? Why one should left their own desire just because some nature born problems , I think if you really love someone , this won't be a hard barrier to break , face your own fear and wide it out , at least give a try , without regretting , that's the really way to life .
